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Remote Sensing Technologies and GIS
Online Journal for Providers and Users

Open Access Journal


ISSN 2062-8617


Editor in Vhief:

Gábor Bakó


Csaba Bartha


Péter Kardeván

Eszter Lelleiné Kovács

Béla Licskó

László Zentai



H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A
Postal address: H-2314 Halásztelek II. Rákóczi Ferenc út 42.

+36 70 615 7223


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Organization of Advertisements:

Anita Gruber

Other staff:

János Mészáros

Zsolt Molnár

Erika Göttinger
Csenge T-Futaki


From imaging to GIS

Recent Articles


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A practical post-correction method for spectral libraries

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Archaeological remote sensing survey

Gergely Padányi Gulyás, Máté Stibrányi
2011, 1(2), 13-20 - Published: 10 Nov 2011

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